Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule in the English language. It is a fundamental concept that students learning English as a second language (ESL) need to master to communicate effectively and accurately.

In English, the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in terms of number, gender, and person. In simpler terms, a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. This rule may seem straightforward, but it can be challenging for ESL students because of the many exceptions and variations in English grammar.

Here are some tips and ESL practice exercises that can help students improve their subject-verb agreement skills.

1. Identify the subject and verb in a sentence.

Before trying to match the subject and verb, it is crucial to identify them clearly in the sentence. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action in the sentence, while the verb is the word that shows the action or state of being.

For example:

– Ava runs every morning. (Subject: Ava; Verb: runs)

– The students were studying for the exam. (Subject: students; Verb: were studying)

2. Match subject and verb in terms of number.

The most common rule of subject-verb agreement is matching the singular subject with a singular verb and a plural subject with a plural verb.

For example:

– The dog barks loudly. (Singular subject: dog; Singular verb: barks)

– The cats meow loudly. (Plural subject: cats; Plural verb: meow)

3. Pay attention to subject and verb agreement in verb tenses.

In English, verb tenses play a crucial role in expressing time and actions. Be sure to match the subject and verb based on the tense used in the sentence.

For example:

– She is reading a book. (Present tense; Singular subject and verb agreement)

– They were studying for the exam. (Past tense; Plural subject and verb agreement)

4. Consider subject and verb agreement in complex sentences.

In sentences with complex structures, identifying the subject and verb can be tricky. Always remember to match the subject and verb based on the subject of the sentence and not the clauses.

For example:

– The students who love math are taking advanced classes. (Subject: students; Verb: are taking)

ESL Practice Exercises

Here are some simple exercises to help ESL students practice subject-verb agreement:

1. Identify the subject and verb in each sentence.

– The birds chirp early in the morning.

– My sister and I love to swim in the summer.

– The dog and the cat play together in the yard.

– She dances gracefully to the music.

2. Choose the correct verb to match the subject.

– The party ____(begin/begins) at seven in the evening.

– The children ____(plays/play) in the park every Saturday.

– My mother and father ____(is/are) cooking dinner tonight.

– The news on the radio ____(was/were) exciting yesterday.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that ESL students must learn to master to communicate effectively in English. By paying attention to the subject and verb agreement in sentences and practicing with exercises, ESL students can improve their grammar skills and become confident communicators.

Subject Verb Agreement Esl Practice

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