Welcome to the Kootenay Gallery.

The Gift Shop is currently open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm.

Exhibition Schedule 2024

Current Exhibit:

Sylvan Reflections

Forest Paintings by Barbara Brown

August 1st to September 7th, 2024
Opening August 1st: 5:30 pm

Stone Portal to Beyond by Barbara Brown

Barbara Brown is an artist and author residing in the Slocan Valley, where she paints and writes about the forest where she lives. Her show at the Gallery is entitled “Sylvan Reflections” exploring her intimacy with the woods which is reflected in her paintings. Barbara expertly captures the enchantment of the forest with her juxtaposition of realism lovingly rendered, with other worldly symbolism and/or geometric elements – sometimes hidden, and always spellbinding. Barbara has exhibited and won awards in juried exhibitions in the past, and she shows her work annually during the Columbia Basin Culture Tour. Online she exhibits at Manhattan Arts International, The Healing Power of Art and Artists, where she has won a Special Recognition Award in the Healing Power of Elements exhibition, Awards of Excellence in the Healing Power of Art 2020, and Spirit of Resilience shows. Her work is in private collections across the country.


In addition to her exhibit of paintings, Barbara will also be launching her book “Volume II, Sylvan Reflections, Wanderings, Paintings and Ponderings from the Forest” along with a companion film entitled “On Beauty As We Come to It in the Forest”. This event will take place at the Gallery on August 8th at 6:30 pm. All are welcome.

Evolution is not a Theory

Paintings by Jenny Baillie

August 1st to September 7th, 2024
Opening August 1st: 5:30 pm

Big Bear, by Jennie Baillie

Jenny Baillie has lived in Rossland for the past 40 years drawn by the skiing and the West Kootenay vibe. She has been painting consistently for twenty plus years, firstly in watercolours and then acrylics, which remains her preferred medium. Initially inspired by the mountains and flowers of the West Kootenays, she has also delved into a variety of art streams such as early mountaineering women, wildlife (especially bear portraits), faces of interest, and super heroes. Her work is well received and has found homes throughout North America, in the U.K. and Europe, in Australia and New Zealand.   

“My art journey has been one of experimentation. Public feedback has been interesting. I try to explain that I am “evolving” which is what I believe an artist needs to do.  Hence the title of this latest exhibition: Evolution is not a Theory. My paintings will hopefully provide a visual story that change/evolution as an artist is an integral part of the creative process. The subtle or not so subtle reference to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is intentional!”


Since time immemorial and in the spirit of respect, reciprocity and truth, we honour and acknowledge with gratitude that we are on unceded and ancestral territories of Indigenous Peoples. We would also like to recognize all other Indigenous Peoples who have come as guests to live, work, and play on this land, and who honour and celebrate their territory.

Thank you to the local organizations, businesses and people who support us in many ways.

The Kootenay Gallery of Art acknowledges exhibition support from their major sponsors: The BC Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, City of Castlegar, BC Gaming, Grant Thornton LLP, and the Columbia Basin Trust through the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance

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