Here are some of the treasures you can find here at the moment.
Gnome by Kathleen Terry, lavender bouquet and eye pillow by Sanctuary Farm, soap and soap dish by Seena Bees.
Ceramic mug by Lisa Martin, bowl and bowl cozy by Andrea Revoy of Blue Moon Studio, scented soy candle by Cedar Creek Candle Co. and assorted chocolates by Doodle Bug Chocolates. Enamelled box by Esme Gloster (Esmeric Art), painting by Lainey Benson, ceramic mug by Seed (Knit and Bone Ceramic), artistic basket by Barbara Kingsland Forest gnome by Sarah Elizabeth, linocut fish print by Kerry Pagdin (Wayward Citizen), ceramic tumbler by Claire Wensveen, brass necklaces by Mattie Diaz